a month in the life of a fool
July, 2012It's hard to know, which way to go.
When up is down, and you can't escape town. The concrete ground and there's people all around.
Busy with our this and that's, always the tit for tat. Ah well, we shrug, it's the Race of the Rat. (How else to explain the dire lack of silly hats?)
"We can't go back", you hear it said, as if we're going forward. Cornered by the Rules we've authored.
So it's decreed, keep wanting more of what you don't need. Blinded indeed, by consumer creed. -
It's hard to know, which way to go.
When the problems are so arranged, the reasons for them so ingrained. But isn't it so strange?
That this, despite our Light, our deep down Knowing of what is right, our aboriginal teachings so erudite?
Oh wayward path! It's simple math: doing the same thing expecting a different outcome - Psychopath!
How then to navigate these turbulent times, such perilous paradigms that sacrifice message for rhymes? -
Where to look, when the situation is gobbledygook?
Away from the pressures of the city crush! To the hush of the rush - to hear the song of the mountain Thrush!
Away from the manufactured malice, the city callus. Towards nature's laser-light palace, the Aurora Borealis!
And a boon of a month it's been! To croon the mountain tune, a photographer's honeymoon, fall weather to make the cynics swoon.
Another Rockies romp - oh Lake O'hara! - where Mother Nature comes to put on her high heels and mascara. -
Then a four night scramble and stroll high in Downton Bowl, after a rainforest cajole in the Olympics, with no particular goal but to feel whole.
Next to Blowdown Pass, to sit star-struck under gyrating green gas, Aurora to surpass enmasse, anything we'd seen before!
It never fails to amaze, and yet nowadays, it sounds like too many cliches: a place to go just for the holidays.
But how essential still, to find it in our backyard, our neighbourhood park, in day to day city stark. -
How else to stay partial to the abounding marvel?
To carry in our hearts this precious Home, styrofoam and all? -